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Gitlab Board and issues

Status of sprint 06 Date 12.04.2024

List of completed items:

  • Updated DEMO-day page

  • A short video was made to showcase our features during DEMO-day

  • Several bugfixes have been made

  • Security dashboard vulnerabilites have been mitigated

  • Cloud environment upkeeping

  • More test cases added and updated

Do we have a problems/challenges?

  • Pouta service has been down several times during this sprint

Status of sprint 05 Date 05.04.2024

This sprint our team managed to tackle some tasks and here are the list of completed tasks:

  • Created the DEMO-day page

  • Fixed and worked on the secure authentication feature which was close to completion

  • CSV Exporting is ready for testing

  • Color blind contrast mode is ready for testing

  • Added relevant test cases and uses cases for features

  • Reviewed and completed all possible alpha cards

  • Tester learnt about Robot Framework regression test

  • Test reports have been filed and written down

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Some problems with the dev machine and pipeline.

Status of sprint 04 Date 22.03.2024

The main focus of this sprint has been getting the features in progress and completed.

  • Work on features continued, our dev worked hard to complete the secure authentication feature FEA102.

  • Manual testing is set to begin from the beginning of sprint 05.

  • Development machine pipeline is running and fully functional, this took a lot of work from our sec, ops and dev.

  • Our security member got the GitLab security dashboard up and running and mitigated a lot of issues there.

  • We made a powerpoint presentation for the status check and presented it in the Zoom-meeting.

Do we have a problems/challenges?

No major problems this sprint, little bit of flu and other sickness amongst team, but it doesn't stop working too severely. We couldn't have team lunch as schedules didn't quite match and some people couldn't be present.

Honorable mention:

Hangover pizza is not going down, its stuck in the pipeline.

Next steps

Figuring out what to show off in demo session, consistently working on features, upkeeping documentation and getting manual testing going.

Status of sprint 03 Date 08.03.2024

This sprint was only one week long so not as much could be achieved during it but some important progress was still made.

  • Work on our features started and the dev work for FEA106 Dark mode was completed.

  • Our roadmap was updated to more match our real feature timeline.

  • Getting started with GitLab CI/CD software development method

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Some challenges with how to push the code from the dev side to the main Tukko emerged and are being actively worked on. Also problems with dev machine which leads to redeployment from scratch.

Next steps

We must continue active work on the features that are scheduled to be worked on and establish routines to make implementation easy.

Status of sprint 02 Date 19.02.2024

In this sprint the team managed to complete these steps:

  • The project plan and requirement specification

  • The project cost estimate and feature pricing

  • Mockups for dark mode feature

  • Updated teams web pages

  • Development environment fixed and setupped

  • Roadmap for the features

Do we have a problems/challenges?

Time management and little bit of struggles with development environment. This issue got fixed and the environment got setupped.

Next steps

Implementation and working on features as well as documenting.

Status of sprint 01 Date 09.02.2024

  • The team learned about planning poker and used it to accurately assign weights to this sprints issues.

  • Jere Lähteenmäki, Jarno Huusko and Markus Murtonen worked together to setup Tukko with Docker.

  • The team went through all the available features and decided on 12 different ones we believe we can achieve. Chosen features can be found here:

  • Guan Xinyu researched quality assurance and further updated the team webpage.

  • The team shared an excel document where everyone will record their workhours weekly for the budget.

  • Joona Tuikkala and Kosti Katainen worked to write the project plan, the communication plan as well as the requirement specification and got them into a good state for the future.

  • Jarno Huusko made the the risk management plan for the project.´

Do we have a problems/challenges?

A big challenge was to get Tukko running with Docker and Redis and connecting to the Redis-server. There was a lot of documentation to write and some needed repetition which felt exhausting.

Next steps

Hopefully we will get our features underway. The documentation still needs more work.

Status of sprint 00 Date 26.01.2024

What has been achieved

Introductions are done, team name has been decided to be "Flying Hippos" and we are feeling good about the upcoming project.

We have decided on roles such as team leader, test manager and administrator for the team.

Joona Tuikkala was selected as Team Leader and has assistance from Kosti Katainen every now and then.

Guan Xinyu works as tester therefore got the role as a test manager. Guan has background in object-oriented programming and python so testing will be in good hands.

Jere Lähteenmäki took the role of team administrator and manages the CSC-service and cPouta virtual machines.

  • Started collecting records of working hours on personal level

  • Setupped CSC-services and repository copying

  • Team's home pages created and member introductions done

  • Studied TUKKO projects documents and source code

Do we have a problems/challenges?

In our first weeks of the project we haven't ran into real problems yet, the only thing that comes into mind is time management which hasn't been too bad yet.

Next steps

Preparing ourselves mentally for the upcoming assignment and learning about it. Also making it a routine to update issue board and statuses. Familiarizing ourselves with the documents and materials related to the project.