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FEA506 - Implement automated build and deployment pipeline

Feature ID FEA506
Subsystem the feature is part of Backend
Responsible person Markus Murtonen & Jere Lähteenmäki
Status completed


This functionality streamlines the integration of CI/CD pipelines for both the frontend and backend codebases. It automates the creation of Docker images and their subsequent upload to the GitLab container registry. Once completed, these images are then automatically deployed to either the staging or production environments.

All relevant issues related to or contributing to the definition of the feature are gathered here

User story 029 As a platform engineer, I want to implement an automated build and deployment pipeline using tools like GitLab CI/CD to streamline the release process and ensure consistent deployments.
Use Case 12 Automating Build and Deployment Pipeline
FEA506 Automated build and deployment pipeline

Preliminary user stories

US029 - As a platform engineer, I want to implement an automated build and deployment pipeline using tools like GitLab CI/CD to streamline the release process and ensure consistent deployments.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 12 ACCTEST007 Testers