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FEA515 - Test Automation

Feature ID FEA515
Subsystem the feature is part of Infrastructure and Performance
Responsible person Guan Xinyu
Status cancelled


There should be automated testing setup in order to make sure the frontend and the backend code is reliable as well as correct.

User story 038 As a developer, I want to have automated tests for both frontend and backend code to ensure the reliability and correctness of the web app.
User story 039 As a developer, I want to set up continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) pipelines to automate the testing and deployment processes.
User story 040 As a tester I want to implement Robot Framework and browser libraries.
Use Case 10 Implementing Automated Testing for Frontend and Backend
FUNC-REQ-C0007 Setup automated testing for frontend and backend code to run smoothly

Preliminary user stories

As a developer, I want to have automated tests for both frontend and backend code to ensure the reliability and correctness of the web app.

Testing / possible acceptance criteria

Testcase Test source Responsible
Testcase 1 ACCTEST006 Testers