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Combitech Oy


Name and background

Combitech OY is a technology and consulting company which offers its services in various fields such as IT, defense, security, industry and energy sectors. They provide a variety of different services such as software development, cybersecurity, system integration, simulations and testing.

Combitech is part of the "Saab Group" and operates in several Nordic countries. They specialize in providing high-level technical solutions as well as consulting services to its clients and often work on large infrastructure projects.

In 2024 Future Factory, Combitech has assigned Team Flying Hippos to develop their product "Tukko - Traffic Visualizer".

Motivation for service

The creation of Tukko - Traffic Visualizer service ...


  • Competitive products: We assist in developing products, services, and business models that help you achieve your strategic goals.

  • Successful business: We create conditions for success and growth by developing processes, personnel, and crucial aspects of business.

  • Secure society: We provide information, services, and solutions to our customers and contribute to building an increasingly secure society.

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