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End User 1 - Profile

Name and background

  • Profile: End User 1

  • Age group: 20-65

  • Background: A user of our completed service, interested in consuming visualized traffic data to help planning of trips and daily routes.

Motivation for service

The users main motivation for using the service is to improve the efficiency of traveling by visualizing and plannign the routes they use.

  • Carefree trip planning: Avoiding traffic jams and roadworks, minimizing the time it takes to travel from place A to place B.


  • Punctuality: Ensuring time arrival through efficient trip planning. Aiming to achieve punctuality by meticulously planning their routes to avoid traffic congestion and roadworks. This dedication to punctuality reflects their commitment to arriving at appointments, meetings, or other engagements on time, without the stress of unexpected delays. Through efficient trip planning, punctuality becomes more than just a value; it becomes a tangible outcome of utilizing the service to its fullest potential.