Use case 11

  • Author: Jarno Huusko
  • Date / Version: 20/02/2024 / 1.0

User roles

  1. User (Actor1): Wants to view the average traffic in a specific area for planning or informational purposes.
  2. Dev (Actor2): Processes and analyzes traffic data to calculate averages.
  3. UI/UX Dev (Actor3): Designs the interface where the traffic averages are displayed to the user.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Traffic data for various areas is collected and stored in an accessible database.
  2. The user interface allows users to select an area and view traffic information.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. Area Selection: The User selects a desired area within the application interface. This could be done through a map interface, search bar, or a list of predefined areas.
  2. Data Retrieval: Based on the user's selection, the system retrieves relevant traffic data from the database. The Data Analyst has set up automated processes to ensure data is up-to-date and accurate.
  3. Average Calculation: The system, utilizing algorithms defined by the Data Analyst, calculates the average traffic for the selected area. This calculation considers various factors such as time of day, day of the week, and historical traffic data.
  4. Display Results: The calculated traffic average is displayed to the User in an easy-to-understand format, as designed by the UI/UX Dev. This might include graphical representations like charts or heat maps.
  5. Interaction: The User can interact with the displayed information, possibly adjusting parameters (e.g., time range) to refine the traffic average calculation.


  • E1: If traffic data for the selected area is unavailable, the system notifies the User and suggests alternative areas or periods.

  • E2: If there's an error in calculating the traffic average, the system logs the issue and provides a generic error message to the User, while alerting the technical team.


  • Users can select an area and view the calculated average traffic, aiding in travel planning, research, or other informational needs.

Use frequency

  • Users can perform this action as needed, with the system capable of handling multiple requests simultaneously.

Additional information

  • The system should include help or tutorial sections guiding users on how to select areas and interpret the traffic average data displayed.


  • The development and implementation of this feature are informed by best practices in data analysis, user interface design, and user experience principles.