Use case 2

  • Author: Jarno Huusko
  • Date / Version: 20/02/2024 / 1.0

User roles

  1. Ops (Actor1): Responsible for setting up and configuring the cloud infrastructure to meet scalability and resilience requirements.
  2. Dev (Actor2): Works on optimizing the web app to fully utilize the cloud infrastructure capabilities.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Access to CSC Pouta server or a similar cloud service provider with necessary permissions.
  2. The web app is container-ready, designed for deployment using technologies like Docker.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. Evaluation: The Platform Engineer evaluates the current infrastructure needs and future scalability requirements.
  2. Configuration: The cloud infrastructure is configured for high availability, including setting up auto-scaling groups, load balancers, and redundancy across multiple availability zones.
  3. Containerization: The web app is containerized using Docker, ensuring that it can be easily deployed, scaled, and managed across the cloud infrastructure.
  4. Deployment: The containerized web app is deployed to the cloud environment, leveraging the configured high-availability features.
  5. Monitoring: Continuous monitoring tools are set up to track the performance and health of the cloud infrastructure and the web app.
  6. Optimization: The Application Developer optimizes the web app to ensure it efficiently utilizes the cloud resources, enhancing performance and scalability.


  • E1: If the cloud infrastructure encounters scaling limits or resource constraints, additional resources or adjustments are made to the configuration.

  • E2: If the containerized web app fails to deploy successfully, troubleshoot and resolve any compatibility or configuration issues.


  • The cloud infrastructure is optimized for high availability and scalability, ensuring the web app maintains optimal performance under varying loads.

Use frequency

  • Initial setup followed by regular reviews and adjustments as needed, based on performance monitoring and changing requirements.

Additional information

  • Documentation of the cloud configuration, containerization process, and any specific optimizations made to the web app should be maintained for reference and future updates.


  • Utilizes best practices in cloud management and containerization, informed by resources like the CSC Pouta server documentation and Docker's official guides.