Use case 3

  • Author: Jarno Huusko
  • Date / Version: 20/02/2024 / 1.0

User roles

  1. UI/UX dev (Actor1): Responsible for designing the user interface with enhanced color contrasts or a dedicated colorblind mode.
  2. Dev (Actor2): Implements the UI/UX design changes in the web app.
  3. Tester (Actor3): Validates the contrast enhancements against accessibility standards.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. An understanding of colorblind accessibility needs and the common types of color vision deficiencies.
  2. The web app's current UI must be accessible for review and modification.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. Research: The UI/UX Designer researches best practices for color contrast and accessibility for colorblind users.
  2. Design: A new UI design is created, featuring enhanced color contrasts and optionally a separate colorblind mode. This design includes adjustments to text-background contrast, button color differentiation, and visual indicators that don't rely solely on color.
  3. Review: The design is reviewed by a focus group, including colorblind users, to gather feedback.
  4. Implementation: The Front-end Developer implements the new design, ensuring that all elements meet the enhanced contrast requirements.
  5. Testing: The Accessibility Tester conducts tests to ensure the contrast meets or exceeds WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards for accessibility.
  6. Feedback Loop: Based on testing results and user feedback, adjustments are made to further refine the UI for colorblind accessibility.


  • E1: If user feedback indicates that the contrast enhancements are insufficient, further design iterations are conducted.

  • E2: If technical limitations prevent the implementation of certain design features, alternative solutions are explored.


  • The web app's user interface features enhanced color contrast suitable for colorblind users, improving accessibility and usability.

Use frequency

  • This use case is initially executed during the development phase and revisited as part of ongoing UI/UX enhancements and accessibility audits.

Additional information

  • Documentation of design decisions, user feedback, and testing outcomes should be maintained to inform future accessibility enhancements.


  • Follows accessibility guidelines and best practices as outlined in WCAG and other relevant resources on colorblind accessibility.