Use case 4

  • Author: Jarno Huusko
  • Date / Version: 20/02/2024 / 1.0

User roles

  1. Dev / Data Analyst (Actor1): The primary user who needs to export traffic data for analysis.
  2. Dev (Actor2): Implements the feature on the server side to fetch and format the data correctly.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. The user must have access rights to the traffic data that needs to be exported.
  2. The data must be stored in a format that can be queried and exported as CSV.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. Selection: The Data Analyst selects the specific traffic data set they wish to export, possibly applying filters such as date range, location, or other relevant criteria.
  2. Initiation: The Data Analyst initiates the export process via the user interface, which sends a request to the server to prepare the data.
  3. Processing: The Back-end Developer has implemented functionality on the server that receives the export request, queries the database for the selected data, and formats it into a CSV file.
  4. Downloading: Once the data is formatted, the server makes the CSV file available for download, either by direct download or via an email link.
  5. Verification: The Data Analyst downloads the CSV file and verifies that it contains the correct data in the expected format.


  • E1: If the selected data set is too large, the system may notify the user and suggest breaking the export into smaller batches.

  • E2: If there are any issues in formatting the data into CSV, the system logs an error and notifies the user of the failure.


  • The user successfully exports the desired traffic data in CSV format, suitable for further analysis or reporting.

Use frequency

  • This use case is likely to be executed frequently by data analysts as part of regular data analysis and reporting activities.

Additional information

  • Considerations for data privacy and security should be documented, especially if sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII) is included in the traffic data.


  • Based on standard practices for data export functionalities and CSV formatting guidelines.