Use case 6

  • Author: Jarno Huusko
  • Date / Version: 20/02/2024 / 1.0

User roles

  1. Technical Writer (Actor1): Responsible for creating and maintaining clear and comprehensive documentation.
  2. Devr (Actor2): Provides technical details and updates to be included in the documentation.
  3. Project Manager (Actor3): Oversees the documentation process to ensure it meets project requirements and timelines.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. A documentation framework or tool is in place (e.g., Wiki, GitHub, Confluence).
  2. Documentation standards and templates have been established to ensure consistency.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. Initial Creation: The Technical Writer collaborates with developers to gather all necessary information and creates the initial documentation following the established standards.
  2. Updates: As the project evolves, Developers provide updates on new features, changes, or deprecations, which the Technical Writer incorporates into the documentation.
  3. Review: The Project Manager periodically reviews the documentation to ensure it is up-to-date, accurate, and aligns with project goals and user needs.
  4. Feedback: The documentation is made available to team members for feedback, allowing for continuous improvement and ensuring it remains relevant and useful.
  5. Archiving: Outdated or deprecated sections are archived with clear versioning, maintaining a clean and focused documentation set for current users.
  6. Accessibility: Documentation is organized and indexed to ensure easy access and navigation for all team members and stakeholders.


  • E1: If discrepancies or ambiguities are found in the documentation, they are flagged for immediate review and clarification.

  • E2: If technical updates are not communicated to the Technical Writer, a reminder system is put in place to ensure all changes are documented in a timely manner.


  • The project features a set of maintainable, up-to-date documentation that effectively supports current and future development efforts, as well as stakeholder engagement.

Use frequency

  • Documentation creation and initial setup occur at the start of the project, with updates and maintenance ongoing throughout the project lifecycle.

Additional information

  • Documentation guidelines, including style guides, update processes, and review cycles, should be documented and accessible to all team members.


  • The process for creating and maintaining documentation is informed by best practices in technical writing, project management, and software development.