Use case 7

  • Author: Jarno Huusko
  • Date / Version: 20/02/2024 / 1.0

User roles

  1. Tester (Actor1): Carries out exploratory manual testing, identifying and documenting any issues encountered.
  2. Project Manager (Actor2): Specifies testing priorities and ensures that testing aligns with user needs and product goals.
  3. Dev (Actor3): Addresses the issues identified during testing and implements fixes.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. A clear set of objectives and areas of focus for exploratory testing has been established by the Product Owner.
  2. The testing environment and necessary access permissions are set up for the QA Tester.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. Test Planning: The Product Manager and Tester discuss and define the focus areas for exploratory testing, such as new features, complex functionalities, or areas where users have reported issues.
  2. Execution: The Tester conducts exploratory testing, simulating various user behaviors, testing different scenarios, and trying to uncover hidden issues.
  3. Documentation: The Tester documents all findings, including steps to reproduce, screenshots, and any relevant observations.
  4. Review: The documented findings are reviewed with the Product Manager and the Developer to prioritize and assign issues for resolution.
  5. Issue Resolution: The Development Team addresses the identified issues, implementing fixes and updates based on the test findings.
  6. Regression Testing: After fixes are applied, the Tester performs regression testing to ensure that changes have not adversely affected other parts of the product.


  • E1: If critical issues are identified that significantly impact the product's functionality or user experience, testing may be paused until these issues are addressed.

  • E2: If the QA Tester encounters areas that are unclear or outside the scope of current knowledge, additional information or clarification is sought from the Product Manager or Developer.


  • The product undergoes thorough exploratory manual testing, resulting in the identification and resolution of issues that enhance the product's quality and user experience.

Use frequency

  • Exploratory manual testing is conducted regularly throughout the development cycle, especially after significant updates or before major releases.

Additional information

  • Best practices for exploratory testing, including techniques, tools, and strategies for effective testing, should be shared and accessible to all QA Testers.


  • The approach to exploratory manual testing is informed by industry best practices and methodologies in software quality assurance.