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Release Note for Tukko - Version 1.0

Release Date



This release is a demo release made for the purpose of showing off completed features and obtaining feedback that will help to polish them further. The completed features range from very basic infrastructure to accessibility features and a full account creation system.

New Features

  • Feature 102: Secure account authentication - A brand new secure account registration and login system was created.
  • Feature 106: Dark mode improvements - The existing dark mode was modified with new colors to look better to the user.
  • Feature 110: Better contrast for the colorblind - Created 2 different colorblind modes, protanopia and deuteranopia. Modes can be cycled through a button on the bottom left.
  • Feature 201: CSV exporting - Created a button to download traffic data from different LAM-stations in CSV format.
  • Feature 401: API endpoint securing -
  • Feature 408: Gitlab security dashboard mitigation - Gitlab security dashboard was set up for the project repository and appearing problems were mitigated.
  • Feature 505: Scalable containerization - The Tukko service was set up using Docker containerization to make easy expansion possible.
  • Feature 506: Automated build and deployment pipeline - Automated pipeline was created to transfer changes from the developer to the repositories.
  • Feature 507: Cloud management - The web app availability and scalability was guaranteed by using a CSC Pouta cloud server for Tukko.
  • Feature 516: Manual testing - All features that are completed are subjected to exploratory testing from the team's tester before declaring a feature finished and test cases have been made.
  • Feature 517: Maintainable documentation - The documentation has all the relevant information and is easily maintainable for the future.


  • Enhancement 1: A short description of the enhancement and its benefits.
  • Enhancement 2: A short description of the enhancement and its benefits.
  • ...

Bug Fixes

  • #5: A short description of the bug and the fix implemented.
  • #6: A short description of the bug and the fix implemented.
  • ...

Known Issues

  • Issue 1: A short description of the issue and any potential workarounds.
  • Issue 2: A short description of the issue and any potential workarounds.
  • ...

Upgrade Instructions

Detailed steps on how to upgrade from the previous version, if applicable.


Acknowledgements to the team members and any other parties involved in the release.