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TC10110 - 002

Test Case description Check that the web application is accessibility
Test Case ID TC10110-002
Autohor/Designer Guan Xinyu
Date of creation 19.4.2024
Class Feature

Test description / objective

This test case should verify that the website colors are suitable for colorblind users

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * Start: Successful access

Test steps

  1. Access to the Tukko website
  2. Click on the button at the bottom left of the website to switch the various colour modes
  3. Inspect the color contrast between text and background elements
  4. Verify that there is sufficient contrast to ensure readability for users with color blindness
  5. If the color contrast is insufficient, take note of specific elements where readability is compromised
  6. Ensure that the text remains legible and understandable for users with color blindness

Test end-state

  • What happens after running the test: The web app provides sufficient color contrast between text and background elements, ensuring readability and comprehension for users with color blindness.

To be taken into account during test

  • Notion 1: Ensure there is adequate contrast for readability.
  • Notion 2: Verify text legibility for users with color blindness.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The color contrast between text and background elements is sufficient, and text remains legible and understandable for users with color blindness.
  • FAIL condition: The color contrast is insufficient, making text difficult to read or understand for users with color blindness.