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TC102 - 001

Test Case description Check that user registration and secure authentication
Test Case ID TC102-001
Autohor/Designer Guan Xinyu
Date of creation 25.3.2024
Class Feature

Test description / objective

This test case should verify that the website has added the option to create an account and can securely authenticate the web app.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * Start

Test steps

  1. Access to the Tukko website
  2. Click the Create Account button
  3. Create test1 account
  4. Login with test1 account
  5. Create test2 account
  6. Login with test2 account
  7. Repeat to create the test1 account
  8. Repeat for different browsers and operating systems

Test end-state

  • What happens after running the test: Test account successfully created.

To be taken into account during test

  • Notion 1: When the account is created, the user enters possible special situations, such as duplicate accounts, etc.
  • Notion 2: Adaptability of the Create Account button to different browsers or operating systems.
  • Notion 3: Throughout the testing process, testers will dynamically explore the system, intuitively designing and executing tests to uncover additional issues, unexpected behaviors, and usability concerns that may not be addressed by scripted test steps.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: Account Created Successfully.
  • FAIL condition: Account cannot be created or when logging in after creation it says account does not exist.