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TR401 - 001

Document Test Report
Author: Guan Xinyu
Version: 1.0
Date: 19.4.2024

1. Introduction

Objective is to verify the functionality of FEA401.

2. Test Items


3. Test Levels

Unit Testing.

4. Test Cases

Test Case Description Status Notes
TC401 Check that the backend has secure API endpoints to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches Pass -

5. Test Summary

  • Total Test Cases: 1
  • Passed: 1
  • Failed: 0
  • Pending: 0
  • Success Rate: 100%

6. Defects

7. Conclusion

The backend system successfully prevents unauthorized access to its API endpoints and adequately protects against potential data breaches.

8. Recommendations


9. Approvals

Who must approve the report: Team Leader.