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Welcome to Demo Day!

About our assignment

This is our demo page that showcases what features we have been able to implement as an upgrade to the existing service Tukko and gives an idea what can be done on the service. Our project is part of Information and communications technology Future Factory 2024 by JAMK University of Applied Sciences. Tukko is a software as a service developed by IoTitude in WIMMA Lab 2023. The service uses public traffic API data to visualize traffic around map of Finland in a web browser.

The team that works on Tukko V1.0 consists of 6 ICT students and we operate in English. Our team members have a variety of different skills to work on the features and all problems that arise. The assignment given by Combitech OY was to enhance the existing Tukko service with features wished by the previous customers as well as the old developer team. We decided to tackle on 11 new features which are listed down below in the next section of this document.

What we have been developing?

Below is a list of all the features we have decided to see through to the end and have been working on actively. Our DEV worked on improving the darkmode colors and created a few different colorblind modes. A system for downloading CSV data from Tukko was made. DEV also made a new account creation system where a user can register an account and login securely. OPS SEC and DEV worked together in the beginning of the project to get the Tukko service running using Docker and CSC Pouta and OPS and SEC made a pipeline system for uploading updates to the code. SEC has also been mitigating Gitlab security dashboard issues and making sure everything is secure. Our TEST has been testing all relevant features and creating relevant documents and test cases as well as updating our team website. GEN and LEAD have maintained the project schedule, issue board, documentation and other task that have popped up over the course of the project.

ID Description
Feature 102 Secure account authentication
Feature 106 Dark mode improvements
Feature 110 Better contrast for the colorblind
Feature 408 Gitlab security dashboard mitigation
Feature 507 Cloud management
Feature 505 Scalable containerization
Feature 506 Automated build and deployment pipeline
Feature 516 Manual testing
Feature 517 Maintainable documentation
Feature 201 CSV exporting
Feature 401 API endpoint securing

What should be tested?

About our technical implementation and focus areas

Our developer made 4 features that are available for use on the demo service. These features are darkmode improvements, CSV exporting, 2 new color contrast modes for colorblind users and a full account registration and login system that can save darkmode and contrast settings. The other features are more apparent in the backend of the project and how the whole process was completed.